
The proposed development represents the antithesis of sensitivity to the surrounding character of houses

Catherine Gross, Grimsby Resident

Re: Mixed-use proposal at 141-149 Main Street East

March 19, 2021

I am deeply concerned about the development at 141 - 149 Main St E. My opposition is multi faceted. This area exemplifies what is unique about Main St Grimsby - it follows the original trail into town. The proposed development represents the antithesis of sensitivity to the surrounding character of houses which are set back, of another, more graceful era and which would be lost to these seven levels of modern hell.

Frank Lloyd Wright would be appalled. Grimsby’s singular status as the gateway to the fruitbelt, the history & heritage that is the envy of other overcommunities, not blessed with being a historic hamlet nestled under the Niagara escarpment, and fronting onto Lake Ontario, is threatened to totally disappear should the wanton overdevelopment, inherent in this application, be allowed.

And perhaps most notably, the proposed development would dwarf the streetscape, obliterating any of its character and becoming an alien, ugly statement to irresponsible, over intensification that has run amok.

I respectfully request that this Council not permit the development as proposed and require the developer to scale down the mass of the proposal, respect the existing streetscape character, and adhere to the maximum allowable building height of 8.5m for the existing Neighbourhood Commercial Area zoning.


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