
Leave the Main Street alone - this is our town

Kim Berry, Grimsby Resident

Re: Mixed-use proposal at 133 Main Street East

November 18, 2019

I have lived in Grimsby since 1963, and yes I get there has to be some changes but, we are suppose to be trying to keep a small town atmosphere.

Well, in my opinion, all the tearing down of buildings and building on all empty land putting up Condos does not benefit our town at all. It doesn’t beautify our town. It just adds more traffic to an already congested area.

I believe that we should keep our Main Street as it is. Fix the old house on the corner of Nelles and Main St. And why not leave it as green space. Even possibly create small park-like setting. Add some benches maybe replace some trees put a walk way through it. And put up a historical plaque about the old property, house and tree.

I am just sickened to see what happened to the North end of town by the lake. All the Condos that have gone up does not help our town at all. Leave the Main Street alone - this is our town.

To the town Council I would say, your job here depends on making the right decisions in this. It’s about time you all start listening to what the people want here in our town where we all live.


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