
Stand up and fight this

Liz Smith, Grimsby Resident

Re: Mixed-use proposal at 133 Main Street East

October 5, 2019

Regarding the proposed development at 133 Main St. East: This is one of the dumbest ideas I have heard. Grimsby is a one street town, where do developers think the traffic is going to go? Grimsby is a heritage town, do they really think a condo unit, over height, and very modern is going to go over with the residents? If developers want condos, they should build them in the areas they already are, even though it takes away from our views of the lake and access to it. Keep the rest of the town historical.

Stand up and fight this, once they change the bylaws for ONE, it will be changed for all. We will start to see houses bought up and mire condos put in… do you want that? I DON’T. Keep our historical town as it is. NO CONDOS!


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