
This is our history

Cindy McMillan, Grimsby Resident

Re: Main Street East Heritage District

October 16, 2020

We live in one of the most coveted communities and they are fewer in number every year. Our council has an obligation to protect our heritage… as so many of you have stated “once it’s gone it’s gone” we can never recover it. This is our history it should be protected not disregarded and blatantly paved over. It’s important to those of us who live here and we want to see it preserved.

I regularly walk by Nixon Hall and so hoped it would be designated as heritage and protected. Once the trees came down my first thought was it would be developed, and I felt an overwhelming sadness, that something so important could so easily be wiped off this earth.

Shame on our council if this is what is in store for this property. Protect our heritage and our lovely Main Street both east & west-there’s nothing quite like it!


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