
This will only add to the continued destruction of the character our town

Alan Goddard, Grimsby Resident

Re: Mixed-use proposal at 133 Main Street East

December 11, 2019

Dear Mayor and Councillors,

I am sorry I was unable to attend the Town open house regarding the above property. I am writing to express my outrage at what is proposed for the development of 133 Main East. This will only add to the continued destruction of the character our town through ever increasing higher density and the unbearable pressure on our infrastructure.

The last municipal election was a clear statement that people had had enough of mismanagement and destruction of our community driven by blind desire to increase the tax base with no consideration for the heritage and character of our community NO VISION.

I realize the need for increased revenues was due in large part to fiscal mismanagement. I was heartened by the new council. While you can’t undo the damage that has already been done, you can put a stop to further destruction. Please take a stand. STOP THIS DEVELOPMENT.

Respectfully, Alan Goddard


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